Monday, November 26, 2012


Hello! Long time no see! I've always wanted to post something but I'm busy with school works and tests. Sorry hehe..

Now, because I don't have any idea, let me just post my biases. Hehehehehehehehe *fangirl laugh*

The chicken lover, Onew!

The cute big-eyed boy (12) 22 y.o boy, Luhan

The tall maknae and Luhan's soulmate, Sehun

The 'Roll Like A Buffalo' leader, Kris

Too-happy virus, Chanyeol

The dork and Chanyeol's soulmate, Baekhyun

The clueless and tall baby, Sulli

The dorky kid leader, Taeyeon

Yes, I am a big fan of SM Town. And I know that I have too many EXO biases. But! Here's a bonus. Gifs of my bias from Big Bang, G-Dragon!

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